To find a suitable building with a meeting room for a full day, please navigate to ‘Search’ in the top right-hand corner of the homepage, where you’ll be able to access the meeting rooms available with Hubble On-Demand, under ‘Meeting Rooms’.
We recommend using the search filters to narrow your search down by size and location. You'll be able to request a meeting room via your chosen building's listing page up until 2pm on the previous working day before your booking date, unless the building offers instant book meeting rooms.
To book for a full day, simply click the drop-down under 'Duration' and select 'Full day [8+ hours].
For a full day booking, you’ll have access to this room any time the workspace is open, and can arrive whenever you need to. You can view specific access hours for the workspace under the Arrival Instructions section of the listing page.
For short notice meeting room bookings (under 1 working day away), please refer to this article.
If you have any questions, please contact us at